Monday, November 4, 2013

Pros's and Con's of GMO's

A GMO is a modified organism found in food products. The organism is modified by genetic engineering, according the free dictionary definition.

There are a list of pros and cons to GMO's though. Some, but not all, pros and cons are:

-Higher quality and taste than non-GMO foods
-Higher yields on crops (some GMO's make them disease resistant, or pesticide resistant.)
-Increase food supply
-Assist farmers
-Help underfed nations

-Not enough testing on GMO's to show long term results
-Allergic reactions can occur due to added proteins that weren't indigenous to the plant.
-Antibiotics medications may have less effect on GMO products (According to Iowa State University.)
-GMO's can create "super" weeds or bacteria, according to Newport Natural Health.

Initiative 522, which deals with GMO's and whether or not they will have to be label on food products, will be voted on in Washington State on Tuesday, November 5.

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